No-Prep Filler Activities

No-Prep Filler Activities and Games A1 Elementary Students Imagine you have the perfect lesson plan designed to the last minute but upon finishing the lesson you find out that you have 10 minutes left and don’t know what to do! Don’t panic. Tthese no-prep filler activities are her to give you some ideas on what […]
How to improve your English

How to Improve your English Here you can find suggestions on how to improve your English. There are many ways to practice and learn to speak and write fluently in English. Learning by Listening English words are written in a strange way and if you are not native it is almost impossible to enunciate them […]
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Article for teachers The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) categorize learners into three groups that can be split into six levels. Each level describes what a pupil is supposed to be able to do in the four basic skills; reading, listening, speaking and writing. The following table […]
How to create a lesson plan

What is a lesson plan? Article for teachers A lesson plan is created so that the teacher can have a clear view of the lesson. How to conduct it, what the goals are and how to achieve them. To create a lesson plan successfully might look daunting at times. Once you have made a couple […]