Enunciate – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Enunciate Verb say or pronounce clearly. “she enunciated each word slowly” Similar: pronounce, articulate, say, speak, utter, express, voice express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or definite terms. “a written document enunciating this policy” Similar: express, utter, state Conspicuous Absence Coherent Ridiculous Vocabulary Challenges Take our […]
Solidarity – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word Of The Day? Solidarity Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.“factory workers voiced solidarity with the striking students” Similar: unity, accord, consensus, concord, concurrence,singleness of purpose,community of interest,mutual support,cooperation, cohesion, team spirit Vocabulary Challenges […]
Ridiculous – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Ridiculous Adjective Extremely silly or unreasonable It was ridiculous to be so frightened of the cat. Synonyms: absurd, comical, derisive, derisory, farcical, laughable, ludicrous, pathetic, preposterous, risible, silly “Ridiculous is also a slang term that means unbelievable or amazing. It can refer to things that are […]
Coherent – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Can you combine today’s word with the one from yesterday? Find yesterday’s word here. Coherent Adjective (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent. “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy” Synonyms: logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound Opposite: incoherent, muddled (of a person) […]
Absence – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Can you combine today’s word with the one from yesterday? Find yesterday’s word here. Absence Noun the state of being away from a place or person.“the letter had arrived during his absence” Synonyms: non-attendance, non-appearance, absenteeism, truancy Opposite: presence, attendance an occasion or period of […]
Conspicuous – Vocabulary Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Conspicuous Adjective clearly visible. “he was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam’s apple” attracting notice or attention. “he showed conspicuous bravery” Synonyms: clear, visible, noticeable, observable, discernible, perceptible Opposite: inconspicuous Challenge Can you make a sentence with the above word? Vocabulary Challenges Take […]