Vocabulary Challenge

Can you make a sentence with the Word?

Can you combine today’s word with the one from yesterday?  Find yesterday’s word here.



  • the state of being away from a place or person.
    “the letter had arrived during his absence”

Synonyms: non-attendance, non-appearance, absenteeism, truancy

Opposite: presence, attendance

  • an occasion or period of being away from a place or person.
    “repeated absences from school”
  • the non-existence or lack of.
    “she found his total absence of facial expression disconcerting”

Synonyms: lack, want, non-existence, unavailability, deficiency, deprivation

Opposite: presence, availability


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Vocabulary Challenges

Take our vocabulary challenges and try to make sentences.

Each day has a different challenge. 

Enunciate – Vocabulary Challenge

Vocabulary Challenge Can you make a sentence with the Word? Enunciate Verb say or pronounce clearly. “she enunciated each word slowly” Similar: pronounce, articulate, say, speak,

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