Do you want my advice?
asked the little mouse with a smirk on its face.
What a word!
Have you ever considered what it means?
I hardly doubt it.
To my understanding, giving an advice implies a choice given to you on whether to follow what one has to say and believes or not; as if one is the all-knowledgeable parent or even a God, telling you indirectly what to do, enforcing a limitation to your very own thoughts.
You are an author. More importantly, you are a free human being. Your creativity and thoughts have no limits. Use your freedom. There is no recipe to be handed over to you. There is no “correct way or wrong way.”
Your choices are infinite. – This is why I shall not call it advice nor giving a set of instructions to follow, but merely sharing of my fair experience as an author to another.
This book is written from the perspective and experience of the author.
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